Tag Archive: web design mistakes that every company should avoid
UPDATED: The evolution of web design
From the first search engine to the current websites, design has come a long, long way!
Five things Dallas Media Group can do for your marketing strategies
Here are the five marketing strategies that our company can provide to any Dallas, Houston or surrounding area, Texas company from mom and pop shops to Fortune 500 companies.
SEO Tip: Why you need custom content for SEO
What does custom content have to do with SEO? Shouldn't any content optimized rank? Nope and here's why!
Five signs that your website needs updated
A company has less than three seconds to make that first impression and without these five notions updated in 2020, a company can be missing out on leads.
Should you hire an SEO expert for your small business?
The short answer to this blog, yes! Unfortunately, many small businesses forgo SEO and avoid hiring an expert to save money or try to hire someone in- house to handle this work. If a small business is able to hire someone internally to handle their SEO great, but the reality is that oftentimes a small business is not able to find someone.
A guide to PPC keyword research
Keywords are the main component to a successful organic SEO strategy, but the same can be said for a paid advertising strategy on Google!
Four ways to write catchy email subject lines
Email subject lines are the very moment that a company has 50-60 characters to grab the attention of their audience, and here are four tips for write the best subject line to date.
SEO Tip: Link building
Off-page optimization, aka backlinks, can be a bit difficult to understand because the optimization is all happening behind the scenes of websites who are intermingled with one another with backlinks. Why are good backlinks critical for a website and its ranking?
Optimizing ppc ads during COVID-19 in four ways
Pre COVID-19 businesses were spending about $10,000 a month on PPC ads, but since the pandemic, businesses have had to cut their overall spending on paid search. Here are four ways to continue any paid search ads and how to optimize them.
SEO Tips: Images in search engines
While companies worry about content, backlinking, on-page SEO and other critical components of SEO, what about images? Here's why optimized images are so critical for company and the top tips!